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Funny Pitbull Portrait

Do you have any questions? We are happy to help

Our expert customer service team will answer as soon as possible. If your question is about an order, please enter the order number in your message so we can provide the correct information. We are focused on providing the best service, however, as we have several emails arriving daily, it may take us up to 24 business hours to answer to your email, don't think you've been forgotten! Be patient and wait for your turn. In the meantime, give your four-legged friend a snack!

Live Chat

Speak to an expert from our online team.
A service dedicated to product selection, purchase support and order registration.

Opening hours

We are available on working days from 8am to 7pm

We respect the rest of our animal-loving employees, don't expect your email to be answered out of these range or on the weekend, just like you, they also enjoy walking their dogs and watching series with the company of their cats.

Email - It is through this email that you can contact us, if you do not wish to fill out the contact form.

Just make one contact, don't send more than one email about same subject, it's easier and faster for us to answer if there is only 1 email per customer.

Thank you for your message, we will answer as soon as possible.
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